Federal Elections

Toronto Centre (federal electoral district)

Toronto-Centre riding is made up of a mixture of low and high-income neighbourhoods located in downtown Toronto, including Regent Park, Moss Park, St. James Town, Corktown, Cabbagetown, Church and Wellesley, Ryerson* University, The Toronto Eaton Centre, and the financial district. View Map

Major Responsibilities of a Member of Parliament (MP)

A Member of Parliament (MP) is an individual elected to represent a single federal electoral district (or "riding") in the House of Commons.

MPs have three major responsibilities: legislating in Parliament, representing their riding and political party, and serving their constituents' needs. They also review and vote on federal budgets.

Major Responsibility of the Federal Government

The Prime Minister is the head of the federal government based in Ottawa. The federal government deals with national and international matters, that affect the country as a whole such as:

• Armed Forces • Copyright• Immigration • National defence and security • Passports • Postal services • Supreme Court of Canada • Relations with Aboriginal Peoples • Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) • War and peace • International development and aid • Employment Insurance • Foreign policy • Criminal law • Treaty negotiations with First Nations • International trade and commerce • Money and banking • Old Age Pensions • Child tax benefits • Trans-Canada Highway • Shipping waterways • Social Insurance Numbers • Telecommunications and Internet • Federal parks and heritage sites • National health care funding • International vaccine distribution.

No information on future election date at this time.

Provincial Elections

Toronto Centre (provincial electoral district)

Generally speaking Toronto Centre (provincial electoral district) is encompasses East of Yonge Street, West of River Street, South of Bloor and North of The Esplanade. View Map

Major Responsibilities of a A Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP)

MPP: The main duties of an MPP are to participate in Parliamentary debate, to represent their riding and their political party, and to understand and respond to the needs of their constituents.

When not at the Legislature, MPPs have a number of responsibilities in their home ridings such as meeting with constituents to listen to their concerns, helping to resolve matters related to provincial government services, and attending community events such as school openings or local fundraisers.

Provincial Responsibility

The Provincial governments are responsible for issues that are explicitly given to them in Canada's written constitution the Constitution Act, 1867. Through the provincial legislature, the provincial government has the power to enact or amend laws and programs related to: -natural resources and environment -hospitals -property and civil rights in the province -education -administration of justice -social services The province directly funds or transfers money to institutions to ensure the delivery of these important responsibilities, as well as provincial highways, culture and tourism, prisons, post-secondary education, and other services to Ontarians. The provincial legislature also has power over all municipal institutions in the province.


Municipal Elections

Blue Line

Toronto Centre
(Ward 13)

Toronto Centre covers the heart of Downtown Toronto. The ward includes Regent Park, St. James Town, Cabbagetown, Church and Wellesley, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto Eaton Centre, and part of the city's financial district. View Map

Municipal Responsibilities

• Roads
• Public transit
• Child Care
• Local policing
• Water and sewers
• Ambulances
• Parks and Recreation

No information on future election date at this time.

TDSB Trustee Elections

Ward 10, University - Rosedale and Toronto Centre

Toronto District School Board trustees are the members of a district school board. All publicly funded school boards in Ontario are governed by boards of trustees. Trustees are locally-elected representatives of the public and are their community’s advocate for public education. View Map

TDSB Trustee Responsibility

Every four years, 22 public school Trustees are elected during municipal elections to represent public school supporters in the City of Toronto.

Our Trustees work to ensure that all of our students realize their potential and succeed. They are advocates for education and are the voice of the public, ensuring all concerns are addressed. Each Trustee represents one of our 22 wards. Each ward is a diverse community with unique needs, priorities and educational requirements and Trustees represent their communities.

No information on future election date at this time.

TCDSB Trustee Elections

Ward 9 - Toronto Centre

Toronto Catholic District School Board trustees are the members of a catholic distrist school board. View Map

TCDSB Trustee Responsibility

To promote a voice for all students in the Toronto Catholic District School Board.
2. To inform the student body at large through liaison with and seeking advice from TCDSB Student Councils;
3. Attend public and permitted private session meetings of the Board and its Standing committees;
4. Demonstrate confidentiality and discretion where required and act in accordance with the Board’s Policies, By-laws, and Rules-of-Order;
5. Uphold and promote the Board’s Mission and Vision in performance of his/her duties;
6. Once sworn in by the Board, the Student Trustees shall be the Co-Chairs of the Catholic Student Leadership Impact Team. The CSLIT will hold at least one meeting per month.
7. The Student Trustees will report regularly to the Board of Trustees and to the CSLIT on their respective activities. At the end of their terms, the Student Trustees will provide a report regarding issues of concern to students.
8. The Student Trustees will participate in Catholic student leadership development activities associated with the fulfillment of the roles and responsibilities of the student trustee including the organization of the “Voices That Challenge” Student Trustee conference.
9. The Student Trustees will hold membership in the English Catholic Board Council of the Ontario Student Trustees' Association.

Community Civic Engagement Collaborative (CCEC) - www.DownTownEastVotes.ca - 2024